发明名称 Open end spinning frame with a magnetic switch for sliver feed
摘要 Open end spinning apparatus is provided which includes a magnetic reed switch for controlling sliver feed. A yarn sensor magnet attached to a movable yarn sensor engageable with a running yarn is disposed so as to open the magnetic switch and interrupt sliver feed upon occurrence of a yarn breakage. In order to prevent the need for moving the yarn after a piecing operation so as to properly engage the yarn sensor, an auxiliary magnet is provided which is movable into position to magnetically move the yarn sensor away from a blocking position in front of the yarn takeoff passage at a spinning unit. The auxiliary magnet is controlled by way of its position, and/or its magnetic field strength, so as to also selectively control the operation of the magnetic reed switch during piecing operations, while maintaining the sensor magnet, and yarn sensor out of a blocking position in front of the yarn takeoff passage.
申请公布号 US4091606(A) 申请公布日期 1978.05.30
申请号 US19770823199 申请日期 1977.08.09
分类号 D01H13/14;D01H13/16;(IPC1-7):D01H1/12 主分类号 D01H13/14
代理机构 代理人