发明名称 Method for preventing fraudulent use of credit cards and credit card information, and for preventing unauthorized access to restricted physical and virtual sites
摘要 A system for preventing fraudulent card transactions and unauthorized access to computers and physical and virtual sites online and offline whether or not involving payment. A physical card, identified by a unique identification number (ID) is issued to the user. The card contains software for generating a unique one time surrogate number referred to as a Cybercoupon for use in a card transaction in place of the user's regular card number. Exposure to online intrusion is avoided and the system is rendered portable for use on any computer or other device equipped with a compatible operating system, by avoiding storage of any part of the system on the user's computer, placing the entire system instead on the card itself. The card contains advertising which appears on the user's computer screen. Access to the card is protected by a password. If an incorrect password is entered more than a preset number of times, an "alert" Cybercoupon which has the appearance of a regular Cybercoupon, is generated containing a code advising the card issuer that an irregular attempt has been made to access the card.
申请公布号 US2002046092(A1) 申请公布日期 2002.04.18
申请号 US20010779613 申请日期 2001.02.09
分类号 G06Q20/00;G07F7/10;H04M3/16;(IPC1-7):G06F17/60 主分类号 G06Q20/00
代理机构 代理人