发明名称 Method for promoting reduction-oxidation of electrolytically produced gases
摘要 Gaseous products which tend to form at the anode or cathode of an electrolytic or electrochemical system in which the electrolyte is an aqueous medium may be converted into a reduction-oxidation reaction product through the action of a Contacogen. In such electrolytic systems, hydrogen is usually produced at the cathode and oxygen or other gas may be produced at the anode. By placing a Contacogen in gas receiving relation with the electrode at which a gas tends to be produced, and externally introducing a second gas into contact with the electrode gas and the Contacogen in the presence of an aqueous medium, the two gases enter into a reduction-oxidation reaction to produce a product which is electrolytically noninterferring. The Contacogen is particulate in nature and maintained in a static condition and forms the situs of reaction between the two gases in the presence of an aqueous medium. The Contacogen is wetproofed to prevent flooding thereof by the aqueous medium and operates to increase the rate of reaction between the gaseous reactants in the aqueous medium over that possible at room temperatures and pressures absent the Contacogen. Thus the present invention provides a novel method and apparatus for substantially eliminating one or more gaseous products formed in electrolytic systems having an aqueous medium as the electrolyte.
申请公布号 US3996118(A) 申请公布日期 1976.12.07
申请号 US19740498084 申请日期 1974.08.16
分类号 C25B1/00;C25B9/00;(IPC1-7):C25B1/00 主分类号 C25B1/00
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