发明名称 Abdominal weight lifting apparatus and method
摘要 A method and apparatus for exercising the abdominal muscles where the exerciser is laying on his backside and the exercisers middle and upper spine as well as head are dynamically supported when exercising. The exercise is accomplished as the upper-torso support moves forward and upward, then rearward and downward through exertion of the abdominal muscles. The lumbar-end of the upper-torso support is secured to a pivot-point. This axis is directly supporting the center of the lumbar region. Resistance is provided by weight plates mounted on the head-end of the support for the upper-torso. The upper-torso support at the head-end is connecting to a lever. The lever is connected to handles and resistance pads engageable by the exerciser's hands and forearms respectively. The upper-torso support and the exerciser's upper-torso move forwardly and upwardly to perform positive work and rearwardly and downwardly to perform negative work. Respectively, the handles and resistance pads move forward and toward the exercisers lower-body during positive work and rearward and away from the exercisers lower-body during negative work.
申请公布号 US6475123(B1) 申请公布日期 2002.11.05
申请号 US20000684743 申请日期 2000.10.04
分类号 A63B21/068;A63B23/02;(IPC1-7):A63B21/06 主分类号 A63B21/068
代理机构 代理人