发明名称 Apparatus for measuring and correcting tonal hearing and voice intonation.
摘要 The invention refers to apparatus for measuring and correcting tonal hearing and voice intonation, which is made up of two adjustable sinusoidal audible frequency generators (1, 2) whose signals are composed by attaching the generators (1, 2) to the inputs Y and X of a cathode ray oscilloscope (3). Each generator is also attached to a receiver capsule (6), a microphone (7), a frequency adapter (8) and a panel on which the frequency adjustment knobs (9, 10) of the two generators are positioned. The oscilloscope (3) has a single cathode-ray tube (4), whose screen is covered by a shutter plate (5). During examination and ortho-phono-acoustic treatment, the apparatus can also be used to correct paratonal voice intonation. Thus, instead of the working generator, the signal from the microphone (7) is applied via a switch (16) through the adapter (8), the shutter plate (5) is removed and the subject speaks in an upward and/or downward portamento in order to be in unison with and, at the same time, follow the development of the ellipse on the screen of the oscilloscope.
申请公布号 RO113204(B) 申请公布日期 1998.05.29
申请号 RO19930001216 申请日期 1993.09.09
分类号 A61B5/12;(IPC1-7):A61B5/12 主分类号 A61B5/12
代理机构 代理人