发明名称 Method and detector are for detecting of multiple transient signals with unknown arrival times or locations in the presence of additive Gaussian noise
摘要 <p>The method and detector are for the detection of multiple transient signals with unknown arrival times or locations in the presence of additive Gaussian noise. The likelihood ratio /1 is under the assumption that there is one pulse in the interval, calculated as /1 = L(Y0T)=T-Tx integral L(YTT+Tx/ h)Pr (tau ) dtau Then, the likelihood ratios /1, /2, ......, /M, ......, /MTOT are calculated as /M = (/1)M where /M is the likelihood ratio under the assumption that there exactly M pulses in the interval, M = 1, 2, ..., MTOT. Finally, the likelihood ratio for a case with up to MTOT signals with unknown arrival times is, under the assumption that there are M pulses in the interval with the probability mass function P(M), calculated as a weighted sum / = P(1) x /1 + P(2) x /2 + ... + P(M) x /M + ... + P(MTOT) x /MTOT, and the sum is compared with a threshold value for deciding the question of detection.</p>
申请公布号 SE525439(C2) 申请公布日期 2005.02.22
申请号 SE20030000651 申请日期 2003.03.11
分类号 G01S7/02;G01S13/00;(IPC1-7):G01S7/02 主分类号 G01S7/02
代理机构 代理人