发明名称 System and method for boarding and letting off passengers in trains efficiently so that the train does not have to stop at the stations
摘要 One of the biggest problems of efficiency in trains is the time wasted for boarding and letting off passengers at the stations. Since trains carry a very heavy mass, typically it can take a few minutes for the train to decelerate and come to a full stop and a few minutes to wait till all the passengers who want to get off or board the train finish boarding or exiting, and then again a few minutes to finish accelerating, and thus each stop at a station can typically slow down a train by 5-15 minutes. This is especially noticeable in fast trains, such as for example trains that go at 150 Mph or more, so that the same trip with the same type of train can take for example 3.5 hours when no or almost no stops are made on the way and 7.5 hours if the train stops at every station. The present invention solves the above problem by enabling passengers to board the train or to get off at each desired station without needing the train to stop or even slow down, based on using an intermediary device of one or more coaches that are used for getting on or off the train while the train is traveling preferably at full speed. The invention solves various problems involved in implementing such a solution.
申请公布号 US2005039629(A1) 申请公布日期 2005.02.24
申请号 US20040874157 申请日期 2004.06.21
分类号 B61K1/00;(IPC1-7):B61K1/00 主分类号 B61K1/00
代理机构 代理人