发明名称 Efficient Search Result Update Mechanism
摘要 A method/algorithm allows database queries to be saved and an efficient mechanism that matches records whenever they are added or modified to all of the saved queries and returns the list of those queries that match a given record as soon as the record is added or modified. If used in an online search portal example (e.g. a job search site), this invention would allow the searcher to submit and save his search criteria once and the application would return the listings that match the search criteria at that point in time and will also automatically match any new listings that get added after the query gets saved and if a match occurs would notify the user of the listing as soon as the listing is added. This matching on new listings to the saved search will happen continuously until the search is removed. According to an aspect of the invention, by matching a record that is added or changed to the database to all saved queries, it provides convenience to the users and it also reduces the computational cost to achieve the same result relative to other existing techniques to address the same scenario.
申请公布号 US2008071769(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.03.20
申请号 US20070844229 申请日期 2007.08.23
分类号 G06F17/30 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人