发明名称 Refrigerating chamber ion engine which produces cold air and attracts static electricity and its positively charged ion molecules inside of this retain ionization accelerator chamber. This acts like a super conductive magnet swarming inside of the cold air without neutralizing its energy and retains its force. Thermal ionized air is and even stronger super conductive magnet which this field or swarm of positively charged ion molecules swarm to and follows. Once substantial energy is stored within this field of cold air the heated ionized air particles matching the outside air temperature is
摘要 Static electricity or electrostatic generator static energy these positively charged ions can now be controlled by using my theory, a refrigerant repellent retain accelerator chamber, more simply put. A cold air chamber or refrigerating chamber like your home freezer or icebox which inside of it, you place a Van De Graaff generator or any type of static generator will work. As the generator source as it creates static electricity or positively charged ions molecules the acceleration of positively charged ion molecules is drawn to the inside wall's of the ice box, like a super conductive magnet or sponge absorbing the static electricity energy as it builds up without neutralizing the positively charged ion molecules. Thermal or heated ionized air particles matching the outside air temperature is then blown through the freezer which the positively charged ion molecules follow through the ion jetting port's thus creating anti-gravity propulsion.
申请公布号 US2009009923(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.01.08
申请号 US20070713063 申请日期 2007.03.02
分类号 H01T23/00;H02N1/00;H05H1/00 主分类号 H01T23/00
代理机构 代理人