发明名称 Mathematical card and dice game
摘要 A mathematical card and dice game comprising a deck of cards, a set of three dice, and a timing device, the deck of cards divided into four suits of fifteen cards each, ten of which are numbered one through ten, the remaining five non-numeric cards having letters which can take on any value as defined by the players prior to the game. A predetermined number of cards are dealt to players who use the values of the three dice rolled, common mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and their knowledge of math to make mathematical relationships that equate to the value of cards in their hands within a predetermined amount of time as tracked by a timing device. A successful match occurs when the card value equals the numeric result of a mathematical operation involving all three dice. Players place successful matching cards face down until the end of the round, when the time limit is up, wherein they turn the cards over and must be able to successfully explain the relationship the card value has to the dice values. Players take turns rolling the dice and starting the timer between rounds. The first player to discard all their cards is the winner. Penalty cards are assessed when players cannot correctly explain the relationship the card has to the dice or when they cannot discard any card during a round.
申请公布号 US6341779(B1) 申请公布日期 2002.01.29
申请号 US20000692400 申请日期 2000.10.19
分类号 A63F1/04;A63F3/04;(IPC1-7):A63F1/00 主分类号 A63F1/04
代理机构 代理人