发明名称 Method of inferior enlarged thyroidectomy in the thyroid cancer
摘要 The invention refers to medicine, in particular to oncology and may be used for carrying out the thyroidectomy in case of malignant tumor spread on the malacotic tissues of the anterior part of the neck, on the trachea, below the thyroid isthmus. Summary of the invention consists in that it is made a U-shaped incision of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue from the level of the neck medium third and then on the anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle downwards up to the jugular incisure and it is removed the zone of the affected skin above the tumor, on the clavicles there are resected the anterior muscles of the neck. Afterwards there are opened the muscular sheaths of the sternocleidomastoid muscles with their separation and it is carried out revision of the tumor. Then, it is carried out the mobilization of the clinically unaffected thyroid lobe, there are ligated and excised the superior, medium and inferior thyroid arteries, it is mobilized the recurrent nerve and the trachea, afterwards it is removed into the block the unaffected thyroid lobe, the anterior muscles of the neck, the paratracheal tissues, the affected 3...4 tracheal rings and the affected portion of the recurrent nerve, then it is applied the anastomosis of trachea with the larynx and it is restored the recurrent nerve. It is separated and removed the affected lobe block, then it is carried out the final hemostasis, there is drained and sutured in layers the tissues in case of a small defect, and in case of a massive defect it is carried out the cutaneous plasty.
申请公布号 MD3004(F1) 申请公布日期 2006.03.31
申请号 MD20050000226 申请日期 2005.08.08
分类号 A61B17/00 主分类号 A61B17/00
代理机构 代理人