发明名称 Relational database management system and method for storing, retrieving and modifying directed graph data structures
摘要 An improved database management system (DBMS) stores, retrieves and manipulates directed graph data structures in a relational database. Each directed graph data structure contains one or more records of data which are interconnected by pointers. Data is stored in the database in the form of two dimensional tables, also known as flat files. The improved DBMS defines a schema for each table in the database. The schema defines the name and data type of each column in a database table. In tables used to store directed graph data structures, at least one column will be defined as having a reference data type. Non-empty entries in that column are pointers to rows in a specified table. Directed graph data structures are stored in specified tables by storing each record of the directed graph in a distinct row of one of the specified tables, with references corresponding to interconnections between records being stored in reference data type columns. Portions of a directed graph are retrieved from the specified table, in accordance with a single specified query and then the query is automatically expanded by also retrieving additional portions of the tables which are referenced by the previously retrieved portions, thereby performing a transitive closure. The retrieved data is stored in a buffer as a list of rows, and then communicated to an application process. An interface program converts the list of rows stored in the buffer into a directed graph data structure.
申请公布号 US5201046(A) 申请公布日期 1993.04.06
申请号 US19900542163 申请日期 1990.06.22
分类号 G06F17/30;G06Q10/00 主分类号 G06F17/30
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