发明名称 Method for sequencing the ZC sequences of the RACH
摘要 A method for sequencing the ZC sequences of the RACH is provided, wherein, the method for sequencing the ZC sequences comprises: setting the logical index of each ZC sequence as α, and the physical index of each ZC sequence as u, wherein 1≦u≦N−1,0≦α≦N−2, N is the length of each ZC sequence and N=839; creating the physical indices u corresponding to the logical indices α=0, 1, . . . , 837, sequencing the ZC sequences of the RACH according to the created mapping relationship between the logical indices and the physical indices.
申请公布号 US9398616(B2) 申请公布日期 2016.07.19
申请号 US201414164228 申请日期 2014.01.26
申请人 ZTE Corporation 发明人 Hao Peng;Xia Shuqiang
分类号 H04J11/00;H04W74/08;H04J13/00;H04J13/16 主分类号 H04J11/00
代理机构 Bright IP Law Offices 代理人 Bright IP Law Offices
主权项 1. A method for sequencing the Zadoff-Chu (ZC) sequences of the Random Access Channel (RACH), comprising: step 1: a mobile terminal acquiring a logical index from logical indices of each ZC sequence via a Broadcast Channel, BCH, channel; step 2: the mobile terminal creating mapping relationship between the logical indices and physical indices and acquiring a physical index corresponding to the logical index, wherein creating mapping relationship between the logical indices and physical indices comprising the following steps: setting the logical index of each ZC sequence as α, and the physical index of each ZC sequence as u, wherein 1≦u≦N−1,0≦α≦N−2, N is the length of each ZC sequence and N=839;creating the physical indices u corresponding to the logical indices α=0, 1, . . . , 837, the physical indices u are: 129, 710, 140, 699, 120, 719, 210, 629, 168, 671, 84, 755, 105, 734, 93, 746, 70, 769, 60, 779, 2, 837, 1, 838, which correspond to logical indices 0-23 of a sub-group 1 of a low CM group;56, 783, 112, 727, 148, 691, which correspond to logical indices 24-29 of a sub-group 2 of the low CM group;80, 759, 42, 797, 40, 799, which correspond to logical indices 30-35 of a sub-group 3 of the low CM group;35, 804, 73, 766, 146, 693, which correspond to logical indices 36-41 of a sub-group 4 of the low CM group;31, 808, 28, 811, 30, 809, 27, 812, 29, 810, which correspond to logical indices 42-51 of a sub-group 5 of the low CM group;24, 815, 48, 791, 68, 771, 74, 765, 178, 661, 136, 703, which correspond to logical indices 52-63 of a sub-group 6 of the low CM group;86, 753, 78, 761, 43, 796, 39, 800, 20, 819, 21, 818, which correspond to logical indices 64-75 of a sub-group 7 of the low CM group;95, 744, 202, 637, 190, 649, 181, 658, 137, 702, 125, 714, 151, 688, which correspond to logical indices 76-89 of a sub-group 8 of the low CM group;217, 622, 128, 711, 142, 697, 122, 717, 203, 636, 118, 721, 110, 729, 89, 750, 103, 736, 61, 778, 55, 784, 15, 824, 14, 825, which correspond to logical indices 90-115 of a sub-group 9 of the low CM group;12, 827, 23, 816, 34, 805, 37, 802, 46, 793, 207, 632, 179, 660, 145, 694, 130, 709, 223, 616, which correspond to logical indices 116-135 of a sub-group 10 of the low CM group;228, 611, 227, 612, 132, 707, 133, 706, 143, 696, 135, 704, 161, 678, 201, 638, 173, 666, 106, 733, 83, 756, 91, 748, 66, 773, 53, 786, 10, 829, 9, 830, which correspond to logical indices 136-167 of a sub-group 11 of the low CM group;7, 832, 8, 831, 16, 823, 47, 792, 64, 775, 57, 782, 104, 735, 101, 738, 108, 731, 208, 631, 184, 655, 197, 642, 191, 648, 121, 718, 141, 698, 149, 690, 216, 623, 218, 621, which correspond to logical indices 168-203 of a sub-group 12 of the low CM group;152, 687, 144, 695, 134, 705, 138, 701, 199, 640, 162, 677, 176, 663, 119, 720, 158, 681, 164, 675, 174, 665, 171, 668, 170, 669, 87, 752, 169, 670, 88, 751, 107, 732, 81, 758, 82, 757, 100, 739, 98, 741, 71, 768, 59, 780, 65, 774, 50, 789, 49, 790, 26, 813, 17, 822, 13, 826, 6, 833, which correspond to logical indices 204-263 of a sub-group 13 of the low CM group;5, 834, 33, 806, 51, 788, 75, 764, 99, 740, 96, 743, 97, 742, 166, 673, 172, 667, 175, 664, 187, 652, 163, 676, 185, 654, 200, 639, 114, 725, 189, 650, 115, 724, 194, 645, 195, 644, 192, 647, 182, 657, 157, 682, 156, 683, 211, 628, 154, 685, 123, 716, 139, 700, 212, 627, 153, 686, 213, 626, 215, 624, 150, 689, which correspond to logical indices 264-327 of a sub-group 14 of the low CM group;225, 614, 224, 615, 221, 618, 220, 619, 127, 712, 147, 692, 124, 715, 193, 646, 205, 634, 206, 633, 116, 723, 160, 679, 186, 653, 167, 672, 79, 760, 85, 754, 77, 762, 92, 747, 58, 781, 62, 777, 69, 770, 54, 785, 36, 803, 32, 807, 25, 814, 18, 821, 11, 828, 4, 835, which correspond to logical indices 328-383 of a sub-group 15 of the low CM group;3, 836, 19, 820, 22, 817, 41, 798, 38, 801, 44, 795, 52, 787, 45, 794, 63, 776, 67, 772, 72, 767, 76, 763, 94, 745, 102, 737, 90, 749, 109, 730, 165, 674, 111, 728, 209, 630, 204, 635, 117, 722, 188, 651, 159, 680, 198, 641, 113, 726, 183, 656, 180, 659, 177, 662, 196, 643, 155, 684, 214, 625, 126, 713, 131, 708, 219, 620, 222, 617, 226, 613, which correspond to logical indices 384-455 of a sub-group 16 of the low CM group;230, 609, 232, 607, 262, 577, 252, 587, 418, 421, 416, 423, 413, 426, 411, 428, 376, 463, 395, 444, 283, 556, 285, 554, 379, 460, 390, 449, 363, 476, 384, 455, 388, 451, 386, 453, 361, 478, 387, 452, 360, 479, 310, 529, 354, 485, 328, 511, 315, 524, 337, 502, 349, 490, 335, 504, 324, 515, which correspond to logical indices 456-513 of a sub-group 1 of a high CM group;323, 516, 320, 519, 334, 505, 359, 480, 295, 544, 385, 454, 292, 547, 291, 548, 381, 458, 399, 440, 380, 459, 397, 442, 369, 470, 377, 462, 410, 429, 407, 432, 281, 558, 414, 425, 247, 592, 277, 562, 271, 568, 272, 567, 264, 575, 259, 580, which correspond to logical indices 514-561 of a sub-group 2 of the high CM group;237, 602, 239, 600, 244, 595, 243, 596, 275, 564, 278, 561, 250, 589, 246, 593, 417, 422, 248, 591, 394, 445, 393, 446, 370, 469, 365, 474, 300, 539, 299, 540, 364, 475, 362, 477, 298, 541, 312, 527, 313, 526, 314, 525, 353, 486, 352, 487, 343, 496, 327, 512, 350, 489, 326, 513, 319, 520, 332, 507, 333, 506, 348, 491, 347, 492, 322, 517, which correspond to logical indices 562-629 of a sub-group 3 of the high CM group;330, 509, 338, 501, 341, 498, 340, 499, 342, 497, 301, 538, 366, 473, 401, 438, 371, 468, 408, 431, 375, 464, 249, 590, 269, 570, 238, 601, 234, 605, which correspond to logical indices 630-659 of a sub-group 4 of the high CM group;257, 582, 273, 566, 255, 584, 254, 585, 245, 594, 251, 588, 412, 427, 372, 467, 282, 557, 403, 436, 396, 443, 392, 447, 391, 448, 382, 457, 389, 450, 294, 545, 297, 542, 311, 528, 344, 495, 345, 494, 318, 521, 331, 508, 325, 514, 321, 518, which correspond to logical indices 660-707 of a sub-group 5 of the high CM group;346, 493, 339, 500, 351, 488, 306, 533, 289, 550, 400, 439, 378, 461, 374, 465, 415, 424, 270, 569, 241, 598, which correspond to logical indices 708-729 of a sub-group 6 of the high CM group;231, 608, 260, 579, 268, 571, 276, 563, 409, 430, 398, 441, 290, 549, 304, 535, 308, 531, 358, 481, 316, 523, which correspond to logical indices 730-751 of a sub-group 7 of the high CM group;293, 546, 288, 551, 284, 555, 368, 471, 253, 586, 256, 583, 263, 576, which correspond to logical indices 752-765 of a sub-group 8 of the high CM group;242, 597, 274, 565, 402, 437, 383, 456, 357, 482, 329, 510, which correspond to logical indices 766-777 of a sub-group 9 of the high CM group;317, 522, 307, 532, 286, 553, 287, 552, 266, 573, 261, 578, which correspond to logical indices 778-789 of a sub-group 10 of the high CM group;236, 603, 303, 536, 356, 483, which correspond to logical indices 790-795 of a sub-group 11 of the high CM group;355, 484, 405, 434, 404, 435, 406, 433, which correspond to logical indices 796-803 of a sub-group 12 of the high CM group;235, 604, 267, 572, 302, 537, which correspond to logical indices 804-809 of a sub-group 13 of the high CM group;309, 530, 265, 574, 233, 606, which correspond to logical indices 810-815 of a sub-group 14 of the high CM group;367, 472, 296, 543, which correspond to logical indices 816-819 of a sub-group 15 of the high CM group;336, 503, 305, 534, 373, 466, 280, 559, 279, 560, 419, 420, 240, 599, 258, 581, 229, 610, which correspond to logical indices 820-837 of a sub-group 16 of the high CM group;wherein the ZC sequences of the RACH are divided into the high CM group and the low CM group according to a CM of QPSK, and sequences in each group are further divided into sub-groups according to maximum cyclic shift thresholds; andsequencing the ZC sequences of the RACH according to the created mapping relationship between the logical indices and the physical indices; and step 3: the mobile terminal determining a preamble according to the physical index.
地址 Shenzhen, Guangdong Province CN