发明名称 Colour My Dice. A set of 3 dice. The dice are labelled Dice 1, Dice 2 and Dice 3. The dice are standard 6 sided dice. Each side of the dice is a different colour … Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange or Purple. (R,G,B,Y,O,P) No colour can be used more than once. Dice 1 could be … 1R2B3G4Y5O6P. Dice 2 could be 1Y2P3R4G5B6O. Dice 3 could be 1G2O3Y4B5R6P. The set of 3 dice could be 1R2B3G4Y5O6P 1Y2P3R4G5B6O 1G2O3Y4B5R6P. The number of permutations for Dice 1 is 720. For Dice 1 and Dice 2 to be correct is 518,400. For Dice 1 and Dice 2 and Dice 3 to be correct is 373,248,000.
摘要 Colour My Dice Colin Frederick Rayner 23rd June 2016 Th e Gamn e Table ofContents The Gm This is not a new game. This is a new gaming concept based on very old games. The concept is so simple that it can be applied in any number of ways. Below are 6 separate games based on the concept which in their own genre are totally new. Game play in each setting is significantly different from each other. The game is owned by Colin F Rayner and has a patent pending. A confidentiality agreement is required before the details of the game can be discussed. Scratchy 1(Name to bed Across the top of the Scratchy display six images, two per line. The first line displays a winning scenario. The second and third lines display similar images. The scenarios are randomly different. Underneath are three rows of scratch area with equally randomly generated scenarios. Scratchy 1 provides a link to the online lounge. See more below. Page 1 of 4 Colour My Dice Colin Frederick Rayner 23rd June 2016 Scratchy 2 (Namen . to bedtrmnd Across the top of the Scratchy display six images, two per line of randomly generated scenarios. Underneath are 18 lines with different random scenarios. Each line has six scratch areas underneath which is a set of 6 random elements for each of the three scenarios. The player selects one set of six scenarios per winning scenario. Scratchy 2 provides a link to the lounge and a link to the mobile app. See more below. Scratchy 3 (Name to bedtemied The player scratches a set of elements for a scenario three times, then scratches the winning outcome at the bottom. Onfline oug Area. Each Scratchy provides a link and a login code. Logging into the website the player creates a profile with a password, then enters an online lounge and receives a free virtual Scratchy. Because the player needs to create a profile before they can login, we are able to track their purchases. The profile is created with a basic form that takes 30 seconds to complete. O.nine Shmop Attached to the lounge is a virtual shopfront selling virtual Scratchies. O.nline Chat Online chat is available for chatting with others in the lounge, providing a social area that can be linked to Facebook, etc. Moble lay (Nam,,e to beterind After release of the 2nd Scratchy, the player downloads the app and purchases games. The game play involves shaking the phone rather than playing a scratchy. Higher stakes and jackpot values apply to the mobile app. Players are encouraged to post to the online lounge when they play. Page 2 of 4 Colour My Dice Colin Frederick Rayner 23rd June 2016 Online pla (Name to be determined) After the 3 d Scratchy, players are invited to log into the lounge and pay for games in an interactive competitive scenario. While competitive players play for high stakes, others in the lounge are invited to a wagering area where they bet live on the players. Jackpot amounts display with the current players and the odds. Multiple players play off against each other with the highest matching hand winning as in a poker game. Jackpots may be shared depending on how many winners there are. Board gaim~e (Naim~e to be dtemied Jackpot winners receive a free board game. Game comes with requirements for play, a playing cloth similar in nature to that for a game of poker, as well as a rule book and set of score cards. The game is sold with poker chips and links on the box to the app and the web site. The board game can then be marketed through a company such as Hasbro to Mr Toys, ToysRUs, Kmart, etc. The online version evolves over time. The target customer is the young adult. For example, Matt, 24 year old professional. Matt is a geek. He can quote Star Wars from start to finish. He works in IT for a software company. He doesn't usually have a girlfriend and there are long periods between relationships. He eats with family once a week. Matt's mum buys Scratchies. Matt doesn't. But Matt will go to any web site, especially if he can win a freeby. He also likes gaming and plays online and on his mobile. He loves competitive gaming and regularly plays online. Matt follows the link on the Scratchy. The Sign Up button displays a form asking for his name, date of birth, username and password, and bank account details for payouts (optional). On login Matt sees a chat panel, a Golden Casket shopfront panel for sale of Virtual Scratchies, and an inbox with a message waiting. Opening the message Matt clicks the link and the shopfront opens with a free virtual Scratchy ready for play. Using the mouse Matt plays the Scratchy. Whether he wins or loses a message arrives telling that a new mobile app will be available shortly and that if he logs in regularly he will win a free Scratchy every week. Page 3 of 4 Colour My Dice Colin Frederick Rayner 23rd June 2016 Matt browses through the Virtual Golden Casket to see different versions of the Scratchy in a range of prices, e.g. $1, $2 and $5. Matt logs in every week for his free Virtual Scratchy and buys other Virtual Scratchies. If he keeps logging in he will receive messages about different features of the site and game. He will chat online when others are in the lounge. And he will download the new mobile app. If he hasn't kept coming then when his mum buys the 2 Scratchy, it will provide the link for downloading the mobile app. The app provides a whole new game play since it's not scratching Scratchies. It's a more tactile game play with interaction from the app depending on Matt's actions. The game play on the app is priced at $5, $10 and $50 per play with proportionally higher jackpots than the Scratchy prizes. The mobile app posts wins to the lounge and reminds Matt when he qualifies for his next free Virtual Scratchy. When Matt's mum purchases the 3 d Scratchy Matt follows the link to the new Maxgaming area attached to the lounge. Online competitive gaming starts with a $50 stake like a Poker match. Matches are scheduled and the number of players per match is kept to less than a dozen. Players not actively playing spend time in the lounge, chatting and buying Virtual Scratchies. While Matt is playing he is also chatting while his mates and their girlfriends hang out in the lounge and make wagers on the game at the Virtual UBET Terminal. By now Matt has also interested his mum in signing up. She likes the Virtual Scratchies, but will take a punt on her son when he is playing competitively. When Matt wins the jackpot he also wins a copy of the board game. Page 4 of 4
申请公布号 AU2016100928(A4) 申请公布日期 2016.07.28
申请号 AU20160100928 申请日期 2016.06.23
分类号 A63F3/00 主分类号 A63F3/00
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