发明名称 Listening device
摘要 A listening device such as a parent / child unit for monitoring young babies, persons with special needs etc that comprises an earpiece which works independently from a parents unit so that the monitor can be heard even when there is noise such as a washing machine, vacuuming, television etc. A number of applications are envisaged such as for mothers to keep in touch with their children. i.e. while mothers are working outside doing the garden or while vacuuming the house etc. The receiver which is similar to the Bluetooth can be worn and communication is instant, or it can also be used on building sites within the construction industry when at most times when the noise level is high again the receiver can be worn just like the Bluetooth and communication is pin point. This device can also be used where persons are confined to a wheelchair and also when mobility is at a minimum, as for example during convalescence.
申请公布号 GB2451222(A) 申请公布日期 2009.01.28
申请号 GB20060022795 申请日期 2006.11.15
分类号 H04M1/60;G08B1/08;G08B21/02;H04M1/04;H04M1/05;H04M1/725 主分类号 H04M1/60
代理机构 代理人