摘要 The invention relates to computer engineering and can be used in systems for monitoring and controlling the safety of nuclear power plants (NPP). The system includes a plurality of identical safety channels; each channel includes stations for input/output of the signals of the process (SIO1-n) and stations for priority control of actuators (SPC1-m), which are connected to a main control centre (MCC) and to a standby control centre (SCC), a controller for automation of safety features (CA SF), and a safety feature input/output bus (SF IOB) for exchanging the data of the controller CA SF with the stations SIO and SPC, and is connected to other safety channels by means of cross-duplex fibre-optic communication. Furthermore, two mutually independent hardware/software packages form a subchannel A and a subchannel B for executing the function of a safety channel, each of which contains a controller CA SF of a subchannel thereof; and each of the input/output busses of each subchannel has a tree structure, the top root node of which is correspondingly a processor module for automation of the controller CA SF; the lower nodes are modules for process communication (MPC) of the station SIO1-n, and priority control modules (PCM) of the stations SPC1-m; and the intermediate nodes are communication modules.
申请公布号 WO2016209113(A1) 申请公布日期 2016.12.29
申请号 WO2016RU00355 申请日期 2016.06.10
申请人 FEDERAL STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE "ALL - RUSSIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AUTOMATICS" 发明人 KISHKIN, Vladimir L'vovich;NARITS, Aleksandr Dmitrievich;MOISEEV, Mikhail Ivanovich;NOVIKOV, Aleksey Ivanovich;KARPOV, Petr Sergeevich;TIMOKHIN, Dmitriy Sergeevich;GRITSENKO, Stanislav Yur'evich;MEYLAKHS, Artem L'vovich;NOVIKOV, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
分类号 G21C7/36 主分类号 G21C7/36
代理机构 代理人