摘要 The invention relates to the field of aviation and cosmonautics, and more particularly to designs for vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The present vertical take-off and landing aircraft comprises jet propulsion units containing compressors, overflow valves, air tanks, and a nuclear power plant. Turbines are provided with hybrid engines capable of running on electricity or liquid fuel. On the outside of the aircraft, each turbine is provided with a corrugated tip, consisting of two parts: a base and an extendable part. The bases of the corrugated tips are pivotally mounted on the turbine for rotation about their own axis and are coupled to a lateral orientation system for altering the pumping direction. The other part of the corrugated tip is coupled to an angle adjusting system, which, when necessary, extends one side of the corrugated part outside the body in order to alter the pumping angle by more than 90 degrees from vertical to horizontal.
申请公布号 WO2016133427(A3) 申请公布日期 2016.12.01
申请号 WO2016RU00075 申请日期 2016.02.15
申请人 NOROYAN, Gevorg Serezhaevich 发明人 NOROYAN, Gevorg Serezhaevich
分类号 B64C29/00;B64C15/00;B64C39/06 主分类号 B64C29/00
代理机构 代理人