发明名称 Universal document format system
摘要 To reduce the number of different software packages required for document controlled systems of the type used in automated fueling systems, automated bank teller systems, and the like, a "format" character is encoded in a preestablished location on the card used to activate the system. Typically, the system activation cards include an identity section having a maximum number of characters in it which may be utilized to perform the identity function. Different system users, however, frequently divide this identity section into different formats of groups of characters separated by "space" characters. Insertion of space characters into the encoded indentification field on the card, however, uses valuable space which otherwise may be required for the full identification functions in the system. By employing a separate format identity character, a wide variety of formats may be possible while using all of the characters possible in the identity field for their chosen function. The system then processes the data in response to the format character in accordance with the decoding of that character to insert the necessary "space" characters into the message process prior to its application to a suitable utilization circuit or device. When this function is implemented into software, a single software program may be universally used with a large number of applications of the system instead of the previous requirement of a different software package for each different message format required by different customers or users.
申请公布号 US4362928(A) 申请公布日期 1982.12.07
申请号 US19810223982 申请日期 1981.01.12
分类号 G06K19/10;G07F7/08;(IPC1-7):G06K5/00 主分类号 G06K19/10
代理机构 代理人