发明名称 Electronic control system for monitoring and controlling the movement of an envelope through a mail sorting machine
摘要 An electronic control for a mail sorting machine having a single envelope guideway and a plurality of deflecting gates arranged in pairs. The control includes a plurality of tracking circuits interconnected in series with a circuit associated for each gate pair. A circuit receives a coded bin signal, processes it and, if it does not represent one of the associated gates, relays the signal to the next successive circuit. Upon receipt of a designation signal, a circuit transmits a clear signal to clear the designation information from the anteriorally positioned circuit irrespective of the speed of travel of envelopes through the machine to permit asynchronous movement of envelopes through the machine without regard to the number of envelopes which may be in process in the machine at any particular time. When a circuit receives a signal corresponding to the coded designation for one of its associated gates, that gate is operated to deflect the envelope into an appropriate bin.
申请公布号 US4432458(A) 申请公布日期 1984.02.21
申请号 US19810333768 申请日期 1981.12.23
分类号 B07C3/00;(IPC1-7):B07C3/06;B07C5/36 主分类号 B07C3/00
代理机构 代理人