发明名称 Hoop construction system for reservoirs - uses modular base, wall and top units, to form e.g. fish or swimming pool
摘要 The hoop-system of construction for reservoirs is applicable to all open or covered reservoirs, e.g. fishponds or swimming pools may be used to store liquids, solids or gases. Either curved or linear walls may be constructed. The hoop is made up by packing together three series of modules. The first series comprises base elements in the form of rails. The second series comprises wall elements in the form of box lids set on edge. The third series comprises L-shaped top elements. - The base elements fit together to form the periphery of the hoop. The wall elements fit into the base elements and interlock with each other. The top element are aligned one next to the other and fit into the wall elements.(6/6)
申请公布号 BE898950(A1) 申请公布日期 1984.06.18
申请号 BE19846047928 申请日期 1984.02.17
分类号 B65D90/02;(IPC1-7):F16S/;B65D/;E04H/ 主分类号 B65D90/02
代理机构 代理人