发明名称 Reinforced concrete bearing wall - has insulating core between concrete joined by insulating cross pieces
摘要 <p>The two reinforced concrete sheets are separated by a thickness of insulating material. They are joined, during the concreting process, by cross-pieces positioned at variable angles to the two walls. The cross-pieces possess high thermal inertia, such as plywood, plastic or glass fibre. Each panel, the dimensions of which are only limited by lifting capacity, has a dove-tailed plate around it, to protect the insulation, and fixed during concreting. The plate is of the same material as the cross-pieces. Vibrations or heat will not cross the insulation and are not transmitted by the cross-pieces.</p>
申请公布号 FR2230820(A1) 申请公布日期 1974.12.20
申请号 FR19730018626 申请日期 1973.05.21
分类号 E04B1/84;E04B1/90;E04C2/04;(IPC1-7):04B2/00;32B13/14;04B1/74 主分类号 E04B1/84
代理机构 代理人