发明名称 Supporting frame for grave-stone - consists of side walls of thin facing panels and inner framework
摘要 <p>The framework consists of two bearing cross-pieces (2, 2') of reinforced concrete. Each of the cross-pieces (2, 2') is joined to the facing panels of the long (4, 4') and short (5, 5') sides of the frame. The facing panels are connected to the cross-pieces at the corners and are attached by means of U-shaped pins. One of the U sides is fixed into the top surface of the panels and the other side is embedded in the concrete cross pieces (2, 2'). Expanded polystyrene foam panels (10, 10') insulate the end panels (5, 5') of the frame from the cross-pieces (2, 2').</p>
申请公布号 FR2284016(A1) 申请公布日期 1976.04.02
申请号 FR19740030146 申请日期 1974.09.05
分类号 E04H13/00;(IPC1-7):04H13/00 主分类号 E04H13/00
代理机构 代理人