发明名称 Cactaceae plant
摘要 A new sterile plant variety has many of the characteristics of the 'Lavender Doll' variety and in comparison to this variety has about the same growth rate, tendency to branch when pruned, and specimen size at maturity. It has a greater natural tendency to branch without pruning, a much greater tendency to form more compact specimens with a more upright and erect posture at maturity and the phylloclades are usually shorter in length and narrower in width. The new variety has a greater resistance to nutrient deficiencies and known problem diseases of the related varieties and it is more resistant to bud abscission and provided with a greater tendency to form multiple buds on the branch tips. It has a habit of producing more blooms with about the same bloom life as that of the 'Lavender Doll' variety but at a noticeably earlier date in the blooming season. The blooms of the new variety closely resembles the bloom of the 'Lavender Doll' variety in color but at full bloom appears more robust and may be distinguished therefrom by a shorter perianth tube, a sepaloid series of tepals that have a smaller number of tepals which have shorter length dimensions and narrower blade widths, a tube laminating series of tepals with shorter length dimensions and a tube forming series of tepals that have longer length dimensions and slightly greater blade widths.
申请公布号 US6042(P) 申请公布日期 1987.10.20
申请号 US19850739441 申请日期 1985.05.30
分类号 A01H5/00;(IPC1-7):A01H5/00 主分类号 A01H5/00
代理机构 代理人