摘要 <p>Method and heat meter (2) to measure the amount of heat Pd consumed by a region (36) having heat exchange means (38) supplied with heated fluid, such as water, through an inlet pipe (4) containing temperature sensors (14, 16 and 18), sending signals to a control (8) receiving signals from temperature sensor (20) in an outlet pipe (6) carrying the fluid from the region. Pipes (4) and (6) are well insulated from each other and their surroundings. A low power electric heater (22) of known heat power value Ph (e.g. 10W) is mounted between the sensors (16 and 18) to add heat to the fluid passing through pipe (4). The sensors observe the temperatures of the fluid thereat; Ti, t1, t2, and To being the temperature values observed by the sensors (14, 16, 18 and 20) respectively. The control (8) calculates the heat power Pd consumed by the region (36) form the fluid using the expression: Pd = Ph x Dd/Dh, where Dd = (Ti - To) and is substantially the temperature difference across the region (36), and Dh = (t2 - t1) and is the temperature difference across the heater (22).</p>
申请公布号 WO1996014560(A1) 申请公布日期 1996.05.17
申请号 GB1995002595 申请日期 1995.11.03
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人