摘要 <p>A disk drive system for a PC includes a rotatable magnetic storage disk (10) and a read/write arm (12) having a reading/writing head (14). During manufacture, servo control tracks are written onto the surface of the disk (10) by means of an external servo writing system including a control arm (40) independently pivotable by means of a motor/encoder unit (50). The control arm has a null sensor (80) which detects the relative displacement of the read/write arm (12) and control arm (40). The control arm (40) has a relatively high inertial mass, whereas the read/write arm has a low inertial mass. Servo control tracks are written by moving the control arm (40) continuously across the surface of the disk. Servo control card (70) receives output signals from the encoder (50) and null sensor (80), and instructs the hard disk control electronics (30) to move the read/write arm (12) into register with the control arm (40) at the instant the control arm (40) lies in register with a region of the disk on which it is desired to write a servo control track (because the read/write arm (12) has a low inertial mass it is moved much more rapidly than the control arm (40)). The read/write arm (12) is then maintained in its position relative to the disk (the servo control card using the output of the null sensor for this purpose), and a servo control track is written. The control arm (40) continues to traverse the disk during writing of the track, and when the track has been written the read/write arm (12) is once again moved rapidly into register with the control arm (40) at the location at which the next servo control track is to be written.</p>
申请公布号 WO1998029870(A1) 申请公布日期 1998.07.09
申请号 GB1997003520 申请日期 1997.12.22
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人