发明名称 Ore pelleting - improvements in pellet formation
摘要 <p>In the production of ore pellets disclosed in the parent patent application, in which a moist mixture of ground ore and a small quantity of adhesive is rolled to form pellets which are then fired, using about 8% water during the preparation of the mixture and a further 0.4-0.5% during the pelleting, the improvement whereby the water supplied during the pelleting of the ore is metered and distributed uniformly over the major part of the length of the pellet-forming zone.</p>
申请公布号 NL7112092(A) 申请公布日期 1973.03.06
申请号 NL19710012092 申请日期 1971.09.02
申请人 发明人
分类号 C22B1/14;C22B1/242;(IPC1-7):22B1/14;21B1/22 主分类号 C22B1/14
代理机构 代理人