摘要 The smart pillow is a comfortable pillow equipped with a group of sensors and an electronic system. This pillow introduces a set of functions to the user by communicating with smart phone and to a group of home devices. One of the major functions of the pillow is to awaken the user through a set of actions at a predetermined time or when the pillow smoke detector activates a fire alarm this will save the user life in case of fire while he is sleeping. According to the user settings the pillow can control (ON/OFF) at a predetermined time schedule a group of home devices like coffee machine, air conditioner, lighting sources, TV's...etc. This smart pillow contains WIFI module built in it so that smart phones can control different pillow functions remotely. The pillow has micro SD card (with a group of sound files stored on it), vibrators, light source and small water tank. Playing sound files, activating vibrators, turning ON the room light, turning OFF the air conditioner and spraying water over the user's face are the pillow actions used in order to waking up the user. The pillow has also a sound recording system to enable the user to record his favorite sound files. It has also a side zipper pod to save personal belongings such as wallets, keys...etc. It has also a napkin packet holder.
申请公布号 WO2015187065(A3) 申请公布日期 2016.09.09
申请号 WO2015SA00001 申请日期 2015.02.11
申请人 ALFURAIH, Adeeb Abdullah M. 发明人 ALFURAIH, Adeeb Abdullah M.
分类号 G08C17/02 主分类号 G08C17/02
代理机构 代理人