发明名称 Carbon Dioxide CO2 as renewable source of energy through bio-sequestration ex coal or gas fired electricity generators.
摘要 New way of thinking is here. How to change C02 from a waste gas into a productive resource that provides bio-fuels or cattle fodder etc As a refractory mason and design engineer albeit a tad rusty due to retirement non the less the process of dealing with fumes from furnace operation is still easily recalled as one worked with others building literally hundreds of metre of them. There are no reason not to build a coal fired power station next to or as near as what is most practical to a coal mine, pertinent to energy distribution with least loss due to relevant distances from various outlets some where near the Adani or any coal source that is being exported. It makes no practical or in any way scientific climate or economic or even political sense not to do so. All of the above is easy to calculate, is also easy to imagine is how the expanded hot gases from the furnace are controlled and distributed. Which can be done in a lab or any appropriate location although the drawings would be enough to allow any one that understood ignition combustion and gas distribution [I do know Australia's premier expert in combustion] to be able to prove if the idea of Bio sequstration of C02 into plant based resources worked. A furnace is in essence like a car engine you put fuel in there is combustion energy is produced and exhaust gases.What you do with the exhaust gases is simply a matter of thermal inclines and precipitators. Etc A furnace is something that is alive and fascinating to be around it has its own heart beat and idiosyncrasy its own smells we can by experience tell how well the furnace is or what type by how it smells the exhaust gases can be seen as pollutant or resource depending on the chemical and physical properties and technology available that utilises these. As any one familiar with industrial revolution would be aware from coal and oil a myriad of new products and endless by products were engineered mainly in Germany but also elsewhere many refinements were made in medicines dyes paints tyres plastics etc without the use of carbon based fuels there is no wiring for technology and no technology beyond the flaking of stones. I have taken the next obvious step after taking on the challenge presented in the economics of climate change and the meaning of practical and direct action taking into account botanical and biological processes. As motor car engines have been refined to use ever less fuel it stands to reason the exact same theory works in furnaces. Refine fuel as it enters the furnace create greater atmospheres within add oxygen so it is like a blast furnace and you increase combustion efficiency it is not rocket science although it may well be how rockets work. Because HELE high pressure vessels burn coal far more efficiently this already reduces the mass of C02 understanding this allows one to quantify potentials across a variable scope of possibilities. How the exhaust gases are dealt with is the answer to what to do about C02 this requires imagination for the lay person, but it is about flues and how the flues are designed and what sort of means there are to absorb as much of the C02 as possible. If we examine all relevant cost factors and Australia's ratio of C02 emission compared to global growth in same we can justify politically economically mathematically and scientifically the possibility not all C02 can be absorbed through plant growth. But at the same time because of how the earth itself is treated and type of plants used it may well be possible to absorb the majority of the C02 emitted. There must be a formula that allows calculation that explains relationship between quantity of C02 and plant growth performance reasonable estimations can be established. But the clue is providing optimum humidity and ground water. Massive constant harvest of hemp could be created for example Hemp can be used for climate proof building as its is in the EU or bio fuel or cattle fodder for times of drought and most importantly because ending plastic polluting the seas Hemp can be used for bio-degradable plastics and many other Bi-products but many plants can be used to create constant harvest so C02 becomes a source of income not a wasted resource. Basically it is called economics. If some of the energy is used to create new water but a wind or solar farm can also do the same then the optimum arrangement can be organised. It is called innovation Science Technology Engineering and Math. Jobs and growth remember were the slogan well I am offering the method. This is my IP. Kind regards Graham Gordon Thomas POLBOT Human Systems
申请公布号 AU2017100115(A4) 申请公布日期 2017.03.23
申请号 AU20170100115 申请日期 2017.01.31
申请人 Thomas, Graham 发明人 Thomas, Graham Gordon
分类号 A01C21/00;B01D53/62 主分类号 A01C21/00
代理机构 代理人