发明名称 Process and device for the treatment of soja beans
摘要 500,637. Treating soya beans &c. COHN, M. May 4, 1937, No. 12691. Void. Convention date,. May 4, 1936, [Class 58] Soya beans or other oleaginous fruit or seeds or legumes are immersed in water, which may be acidified or rendered saline and also warmed, until they are swollen when, after neutralization by sodium bicarbonate and washing if the water has been acidified, the husks or pods are squeezed off by, for example, passing the seeds between fluted rubber rollers 2, 3 rotating in opposite directions, the loose husks being removed by an air blast from a fan 5. - The swollen half kernels are left in the steam developed from their own moisture in a heated container for a period of between 10 and 40 minutes according to the temperature maintained the longer period corresponding to a temperature of 100‹ C. and the shorter to a temperature of 70‹ C. The kernels may also be immersed in water, which may be slightly acidified, e.g. by the addition of hydrochloric acid, for a short period the acid then being neutralized by the addition of sodium bicarbonate which may be used in excess. The beans are then dried or passed between heated smooth rollers by which they are reduced to a film or flakes : the flakes may be crushed or disintegrated and then sifted.
申请公布号 GB500637(A) 申请公布日期 1939.02.06
申请号 GB19370012691 申请日期 1937.05.04
分类号 A23L11/00;A23L11/30 主分类号 A23L11/00
代理机构 代理人