发明名称 método para captura de alterações induzidas em uma estrutura de cristal inicial pela ação de campos acústicos e eletromagnéticos de um meio biológico e um dispositivo para execução do referido método, método para duplicação das alterações na estrutura do cristal inicial na estrutura de um cristal duplicado (variantes) e um dispositivo para execução do referido método (variantes), método para aplicação de um efeito sobre um objeto biológico (variantes) e um dispositivo para execução do referido método.
摘要 The invention relates to medicinal equipment and is useful in physiotherapy for controlling the functions of biological objects. A method for capturing the changes induced by the action of acoustic and electromagnetic fields of a biological medium using a crystal whose structure comprises at least one semiconductor junction is offered. The crystal is positioned on an insulating plate which is in direct contact with the biological medium, and the changes in the crystal structure are captured by means of exposing the semiconductor junction thereof to a cut-off polarity electric pulse. A method for duplicating the changes that occurred in the initial crystal structure in a duplicate crystal structure is characterized in that both crystals are positioned on one face of a water-filled hollow insulating cartridge; then the semiconductor junction of the initial crystal is repeatedly exposed to the action of a straight-polarity reproduction pulse, after which the semiconductor junction of the duplicate crystal is exposed to the action of a capture cut-off polarity pulse. Various methods of affecting a biological object by crystals with changed structure; a device for capturing the changes induced by the action of acoustic and electromagnetic fields of a biological medium in an initial crystal structure; a device for duplicating the changes that occurred in an initial crystal structure in a duplicate crystal structure; a device for causing an affect on a biological object comprising an exposure source in the form of a crystal in whose structure the changes induced by the action of acoustic and electromagnetic fields of a biological medium are captured. Ind. cl. 15; dep. cl. 21; IIl. 13.
申请公布号 BRPI0914516(A2) 申请公布日期 2016.01.05
申请号 BR2009PI14516 申请日期 2009.10.28
分类号 A61N5/00;A61N7/00 主分类号 A61N5/00
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