发明名称 Synthesis gas prodn
摘要 <p>CO and H2-contg. gas is produced by direct oxidation of combustible carbonaceous solid, such as coal, coke etc. in non-catalytic, reactor, by reaction with O2 and water vapour at 982-1760 degrees C. Solid is introduced to reactor in form of fine particles, as mixture with water, which is at least partly in liq. phase, the mixture contg. 45-55 wt.% solids. O2-contg. gas is mixed with the slurry at point of entry to reactor, and >=75% conversion of carbon content is achieved. Pref. pressure is 7.03-210.9 kg/cm2 O2-contg. gas has 95 vol.% O2.</p>
申请公布号 NL7012960(A) 申请公布日期 1972.03.06
申请号 NL19700012960 申请日期 1970.09.02
申请人 发明人
分类号 C10J3/08;C10J3/46;(IPC1-7):10J3/00;10J3/08 主分类号 C10J3/08
代理机构 代理人