发明名称 Device, system and method for killing viruses in blood
摘要 A device, system and method for killing viruses in blood. An iontophoretic terminal delivery system includes a smart catheter, aleated electrode within the smart catheter, a terminal and an electrical system. Ultrasound cannulation is used to guide the smart catheter of the iontophoretic terminal delivery system into a vein of the patient. Electrical power is provided to the aleated electrode of the smart catheter, thereby releasing positively charged ionized silver nanoparticles into the blood stream that attract negatively charged viruses in order to effectively destroy them. The smart catheter includes two micro fluid chips, a Lab On Chip that counts viral loads as well as patient progress in real time, and a Polymerase Chain Reaction chip, which checks for other viruses or infections. Collected data is passed to the terminal where it is stored and made available in a digitized format. Together these chips form a redundant biosensing system.
申请公布号 US2015320998(A1) 申请公布日期 2015.11.12
申请号 US201514704970 申请日期 2015.05.06
申请人 Hester Dan 发明人 Hester Dan
分类号 A61N1/30;A61B8/00;A61M25/01 主分类号 A61N1/30
代理机构 代理人
主权项 1. A system for treating a viral infection within a blood stream comprising a smart catheter and a terminal; where the smart catheter comprises an aleated electrode, lab on chip and a polymerase chain reaction chip, where the aleated electrode comprises a silver nanoparticle tip; where the terminal comprises a central processing unit, electronic memory, and a data port, and where data collected by the lab on chip, the polymerase chain reaction chip, or both is transmitted to the terminal.
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