发明名称 フロア及びルーフのフレーム構造を補強及び軽量化するための方法及び装置
摘要 <p>Method and device for strengthening and lightening floor and roof framing, where the beams and the compression slab are firmly integrated, making it possible to easily recover the moulds or blocks lightening the framing. The method uses several devices, prefabricated beams, moulds, mesh, concrete laid on site and where necessary reinforcing rods. The devices comprise essentially: a section, two bolts and a pin. The section will be tensile-stress resistant and folded into a "U" shape to match the beams. The method involves affixing the device, wrapped transversally around the beam. Likewise, and several devices can be affixed along each beam. The beams are then placed on their walls or girders, parallel and separated depending on the moulds, then the moulds are seated in the protruding segments of the bolts of the device until the spans are covered, affixing reinforcing rods in the sides of the device where necessary. The mesh is then laid by attaching it to the ends of the devices. The concrete is then poured until the compression slab and the channels above the beams are filled. Once set, the bolts are removed to recover the moulds from below.</p>
申请公布号 JP5806676(B2) 申请公布日期 2015.11.10
申请号 JP20120539831 申请日期 2010.11.16
申请人 发明人
分类号 E04G23/02 主分类号 E04G23/02
代理机构 代理人