发明名称 Séparateur pour accumulateurs électriques et son procédé de fabrication
摘要 423,964. Fabrics composed of agglutinated fibres; compound fabrics. PAGENEL, M., 85, Rue de Richelieu, Paris. Nov. 17, 1933, No. 32071. Convention date, Oct. 4. Drawings to Specification. [Class 140] [See also Group XXXVI] A storage battery separator consists of layers of glass threads which are connected together at a number of points by drops of a binding substance such as gelatin, rubber or starch. The binder in liquid form is projected as a cloud above the first layer of glass threads and is allowed to deposit thereon. A second layer of threads is then superposed on the first layer and the binder applied as before. Further layers of glass threads are added until the separator is of the required thickness when it may be cut into smaller sheets if required. The threads in the layers may be parallel or at an angle to one another, and the spaces between the threads may be from 85 to 90 per cent of the total volume of the separator. Specification 412,884, [Group V], is referred to.
申请公布号 FR761542(A) 申请公布日期 1934.03.21
申请号 FRD761542 申请日期 1933.10.04
分类号 H01M2/16 主分类号 H01M2/16
代理机构 代理人