发明名称 Perfectionnements aux bacs d'accumulateurs électriques
摘要 A container for a storage battery is made by first forming an inner protective lining of ebonite or other material having a high degree of mechanical, electrical and chemical resistance, and then moulding round the lining an outer casing of a material having these qualities in an inferior degree such as a composition having a base of bitumen, resin or asbestos. The lining and outer casing are intimately connected by the moulding process which may be effected at a temperature above the softening points of the two materials which are thus partially fused and welded together. Intimate connection between the lining and casing may also be obtained by a solvent such as benzene applied to the lining after it has been placed in the mould. If the lining is made of transparent material apertures may be left in the outer casing to enable the level of the electrolyte to be observed.
申请公布号 FR771652(A) 申请公布日期 1934.10.13
申请号 FRD771652 申请日期 1933.07.11
分类号 H01M2/02 主分类号 H01M2/02
代理机构 代理人