发明名称 Interactive game playing preferences
摘要 A disclosed gaming machine may be customized according to one or more player preferences. A player may view and modify player preferences stored in a player preference account as preference account information. The preference account information may include but is not limited to loyalty point account information, loyalty point account settings, promotional opportunities, preferred games, preferred game features for the preferred games, preferred gaming machine settings, preferred bonus games, preferred service options and preferred progressive games. The preference account information may be stored in a plurality of preference accounts on a preference account server. Using a preference account interface which may be compatible with a web-browser, a player may be able to view and modify preference account information stored on the preference account server from a number remote devices such as a gaming machine, a home computer, a hotel room video interface and a casino kiosk.
申请公布号 US2006194633(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.08.31
申请号 US20060372549 申请日期 2006.03.10
分类号 A63F13/00;G07F17/32 主分类号 A63F13/00
代理机构 代理人