发明名称 System and method for modeling stochastic behavior of a system of N similar statistical variables
摘要 A system and method for modeling stochastic behavior of a system of N similar statistical variables using N uncorrelated/independent random model parameters. More particularly, a system and method of modeling device across chip variations and device mismatch. The method includes modeling stochastic behavior of a system of N similar statistical variables using N uncorrelated/independent random model parameters. The method includes providing a system of N similar statistical variables, wherein each stochastic variable has a same standard deviation. The method further includes partially correlating each and every pair of stochastic variables among N variables, wherein a degree of partial correlation is a same for all pairs of variables. A statistical model is constructed to represent a system of N stochastic variables in which only N independent stochastic model parameters are used. A one-to-one mapping relation exists between N model parameters and the N variables. The method further includes finding unique values of the N model parameters given a set of values of the N variables. Reversely, the method also includes finding the values of the N variables given a set of values of the N model parameters.
申请公布号 US7848907(B2) 申请公布日期 2010.12.07
申请号 US20070828372 申请日期 2007.07.26
分类号 G06F17/10 主分类号 G06F17/10
代理机构 代理人