发明名称 Behandling av avlopp
摘要 <p>The invention is dealing with a procedure how to handling wastes from stables and water closets. Moreover, the invention is suitable to be used for treatment of sludge in suspension form from biological refining plants. When carrying out the process ammonia gas is formed that will be blended with for instance a salt of magnesia. There is a possibility to produce hydrogen gas by heating the mixture of magnesia and the ammonia. The procedure is characterised in that the organic material is thickened in, at least, in one device (3) while excess of air is fed to a gas filter (6) where odour is adsorbed while the separated liquor is by a pipe (5) fed to a carburettor (7) containing alkalinity chemicals (8) such as lime and/or ash where the ammonia generated is transferred to a vessel (9, 11) for reaction with a chemically substance. After passing a biological filter and treated with, for instance, with UV-light the water could be returned to the water closet.</p>
申请公布号 SE533702(C2) 申请公布日期 2010.12.07
申请号 SE20080000652 申请日期 2008.03.20
分类号 C02F9/14;C02F1/58;C05F3/00;C05F7/00 主分类号 C02F9/14
代理机构 代理人