发明名称 Iterative scheduling and campaign management
摘要 An iterative scheduling and campaign management process uses a WFM system and a CLM system. These systems may be independent or consolidated. In a first step of the process, the WFM system provides the CLM system coarse agent availability data. The coarse agent availability data is used by the CLM system to generate a first list order for a given outbound contact list, which contact list is then provided back to the WFM system. In a second step of the process, the WFM uses the first list order to facilitate a multi-skilled agent scheduling routine. The resulting set of multi-skilled agent schedules (or staffing level data derived from those schedules) is then provided by the WFM system to the CLM system. The CLM system then uses the multi-skilled agent schedules (or staffing level data) to create a second list order for the given outbound contact list. This list may be considered an optimized list given the agent schedule data provided by the WFM system. The outbound campaign is then initiated. Thereafter, and periodically during the outbound campaign, the WFM system provides the CLM system intraday (or intra-campaign) updates to the multi-skilled agent schedules and, in response, the CLM creates at least one re-optimized list order for the contact list based on the intraday data update received from the WFM system. The process can then be repeated iteratively throughout the campaign.
申请公布号 US2011150208(A1) 申请公布日期 2011.06.23
申请号 US20090642881 申请日期 2009.12.21
分类号 H04M3/00 主分类号 H04M3/00
代理机构 代理人