发明名称 Method and apparatus for detecting micro-organisms
摘要 A method and apparatus is described for determining the presence and quantity of micro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungue and yeast, in a given sample. The apparatus includes two sealed containers, a portion of which may be penetrated by a sharp instrument, as for example, glass vials with flexible septum tops. One container includes a radioactive nutrient medium which is capable of s supporting the life process of the micro-organism whose presence is being tested. The second container includes a liquid scintillation solution which absorbs the product of metabolism of the organisms. The sample is introduced into the first sealed container, for example, by means of a standard syringe. Any micro-organisms present will consume the radioactive nutrient and as a result produce radioactive waste. Means are then applied to penetrate the containers and allow the flow of the radioactive metabolic product from the first container to the second container while preventing any contamination from the ambient. The liquid scintillation solution will emit light in proportion to the amount of the product of metabolism collected from the first container. This light may be detected by standard liquid scintillation counters, thus providing a qualitative and quantitative measure of the micro-organism in the tested sample.
申请公布号 US3941660(A) 申请公布日期 1976.03.02
申请号 US19750542259 申请日期 1975.01.20
分类号 C12M1/34;C12Q1/16;(IPC1-7):C12K1/04 主分类号 C12M1/34
代理机构 代理人