发明名称 Procedimiento de validación biométrica, que comprende enviar petición de activación a dispositivo de captura y codificación dactilar, iniciar proceso de captura y codificación, cifrar información dactilar y transferirla a la central que la solicitó, enviar señal positiva o negativa de la autenticación a quien la ha solicitado; terminal biométrico de captura
摘要 The present invention belongs to the field of Biometry. It discloses useful technology and equipment to make remote processes of fingerprint recognition and identity authentication, based on the processing and validation of biometric data that is captured in a recipient device, controlled by a center that acts like the network controller, linked as well to a process that verifies and ensures the required identity. The referred process enables the application, in a simple and economic way, of Remote Biometric Authentication processes to economic activities currently beyond this technology, in which the physical presence of the person that intends being identifying is usually required. The invention overcomes the referred limitation, and makes this technology applicable to capable of commercial processes, of authorization and validation of banking and compatible payments, and medical care, social security and social services, among others.
申请公布号 CL2014003553(A1) 申请公布日期 2015.06.12
申请号 CL20140003553 申请日期 2014.12.29
分类号 G06F21/32;G06Q20/40 主分类号 G06F21/32
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