发明名称 Archery bow vibration dampening and balancing device
摘要 An archery bow vibration dampening and balancing device is attachable to an archery bow by means of an elongated clamp with a housing pivotably interconnected to the elongated clamp opposite the attachment point. A vibration dampening and balancing device is secured in an opening formed in the housing.
申请公布号 US9038617(B1) 申请公布日期 2015.05.26
申请号 US201313735162 申请日期 2013.01.07
申请人 发明人 Khoshnood Bahram;Potts David L.
分类号 F41B5/20;F41B5/14 主分类号 F41B5/20
代理机构 Rodgers & Rodgers 代理人 Rodgers & Rodgers
主权项 1. An archery bow vibration dampening and balancing device comprising an elongated clamp attachable to an archery bow, a housing pivotably interconnected to said elongated clamp, said housing comprising an inner opening, and a groove formed on the inner surface of said housing.