发明名称 Perfectionnements aux téléimprimeurs
摘要 987,591. Selective printing. CREED & CO. Ltd. March 30, 1962 [April 1, 1961 (2); April 27, 1961 (2)], No. 12288/62. Heading B6F. [Also in Divisions G4 and H4] The invention relates to a keyboard apparatus, e.g. a teleprinter or data processing input device, wherein it may be required to change from one code to another. To permit such a change each key lever is provided with a detachable comb 1 which represents a character in a first code when mounted as shown and a character in a second code when reversed and affixed to another key lever. Thus one set of combs is able to represent two codes. Depression of a character key causes one bar of each of a number of pairs of selector bars 25a to move vertically and thereby a setting bar 25b to move horizontally to the right or the left. This action sets the transmitter contacts. Depression of any key moves release bar 44 vertically and causes the transmitter clutch to be operated. Each character key lever has a detachable cog 28 which co-acts with toothed bar 18. When the letter shift key is pressed bar 18 is moved to the right by a small amount and the teeth and cogs are then in such a relative position that only the letter keys can be depressed. The bar 18 moves to the left if the figure shift key is pressed, and then only figure keys can be pressed. To facilitate alteration of keyboard layout or change of combs 1, the keys levers are readily detachable from the machine bed, the forked end of each key lever being held against a pivot bar 10 by a spring 12, Fig. 3.
申请公布号 FR81732(E) 申请公布日期 1963.11.02
申请号 FR19620898773 申请日期 1962.05.25
分类号 H04L13/16 主分类号 H04L13/16
代理机构 代理人