发明名称 内容に基づく画像検索についての関連性フィードバック
摘要 <p>The invention relates to a system (100) for retrieving an image from image storage means, the system comprising: a retrieval unit (110) for retrieving a plurality of images from image storage means, on the basis of similarity between said images from image storage means and a query image, wherein the similarity is defined by a similarity function, and comprising a relevance unit (120) for computing values of relevance of images of the retrieved plurality of images on the basis of a value of a first attribute relating to the query image and values of a second attribute relating to the images of the retrieved plurality of images, and an update unit (130) for updating the similarity function on the basis of the computed values of relevance, and wherein the retrieval unit (110) is further adapted for retrieving the image from image storage means on the basis of the updated similarity function. The values of the first and second attributes are used by the retrieval unit to compute relevance values (e.g. ranks) of the plurality of images retrieved from image storage means. The user is thus relieved of the task of comparing the retrieved images and evaluating their relevance according to a user-defined criterion. Advantageously, the relevance values computed by the system are less dependent on, or independent of, user subjectivity. Optionally, the system may further comprise a prediction unit (140) for predicting the value of an attribute relating to the query image, on the basis of the image retrieved by the retrieval unit (110) using the similarity function updated by the update unit (130)</p>
申请公布号 JP5676597(B2) 申请公布日期 2015.02.25
申请号 JP20120518139 申请日期 2010.06.23
申请人 发明人
分类号 G06F17/30 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人