发明名称 気流中の荷電浮遊粒子の粒度分布の経時的進展を特徴付けるための装置
摘要 <p>A device is presented that is capable of recording the evolution over time of the characteristics of a size distribution of electrically-charged airborne particles in an airflow. The device comprises an air inlet, a particle charging unit, a concentration variation section, a particle sensing section and a data evaluation unit. Specifically, the particle sensing section of the device generates at least two serially obtained measurement signals I1 and I2 from which the data evaluation unit can infer values for both the average particle diameter dp,av and the number concentration N of the size distribution of electrically-charged airborne particles. Reliable values can be obtained for N and dp,av under both stationary conditions and transient conditions with respect to the characteristics of the particle size distribution due to the condition that the change of the inferred average particle diameter dp,av with respect to a reference particle diameter dp,ref is bounded by a set maximum change. This imposed condition markedly reduces scatter in the inferred values for dp,av and N as a function of time, while still allowing transient characteristics with respect to both N and dp,av to become visible in the course of time, without having to rely on averaging procedures and/or device hardware adaptations.</p>
申请公布号 JP5657552(B2) 申请公布日期 2015.01.21
申请号 JP20110533866 申请日期 2009.10.26
申请人 发明人
分类号 G01N15/02 主分类号 G01N15/02
代理机构 代理人