发明名称 酸化処理を用いて固体支持体の表面に有機膜を調製するための方法
摘要 The present invention relates to a process for chemically modifying, within its thickness, a polymer matrix chosen from matrices made of fluoropolymers and matrices made of aliphatic polymers, said process comprising at least one step consisting in irradiating said matrix with UV light having a wavelength of less than 300 nm in order to generate, within the thickness of said matrix, zones that have short polymer chains, formed by scission of the existing chains during the passage of the UV radiation and that have free radicals denoted hereinbelow as “activated zones”. The present invention also relates to the polymer matrix capable of being chemically modified by such a process.
申请公布号 JP5654570(B2) 申请公布日期 2015.01.14
申请号 JP20120507782 申请日期 2010.04.30
申请人 コミッサリア ア レネルジー アトミーク エ オ ゼネルジ ザルタナテイヴ 发明人 ベルトロ トマ;ガルシア アレクサンドル;ルセル セバスティアン;ネケルソン ファビアン
分类号 C08F2/00;C08J7/00 主分类号 C08F2/00
代理机构 代理人