发明名称 Motorized Luggage or Luggage Platform with Wired or Wireless Guidance and Distance Control
摘要 The present invention comprises a motorized luggage container, luggage bag, or luggage rack apparatus that has a wired or wireless control for controlling the movement of the device. The motorized luggage container, luggage bag, or luggage rack apparatus includes a plurality of wheels, of which one or more of the wheels are engaged to a motor, preferably electric in design, and one or more of the wheels also include a steering mechanism. The motorized luggage container, luggage bag, or luggage rack also includes a power supply, such as one or more batteries, and electrical circuitry for communicating with the wired or wireless control. In the wire control, a tether line is held by the individual for controlling the motorized present invention. In the wireless design, the individual holds, pockets, or otherwise maintains a wireless remote for which the motorized luggage follows from a specified distance.
申请公布号 US2014277841(A1) 申请公布日期 2014.09.18
申请号 US201313844532 申请日期 2013.03.15
申请人 Klicpera Elizabeth;Klicpera Michael 发明人 Klicpera Elizabeth;Klicpera Michael
分类号 A45C13/00 主分类号 A45C13/00
代理机构 代理人
主权项 1. A motorized luggage apparatus comprising; a luggage, luggage container, or a luggage bag; said luggage, luggage container, or luggage bag having one or more wheels or tracks; an electric motor; an electric power source, said power source in communication with said motor; said one or more wheels or tracks or engaged to said motor; electric circuitry, said electric circuitry in communication with said power source and said motor, and a steering mechanism.
地址 San Diego CA US