发明名称 System and method for analysing power consumption
摘要 The present invention relates to a System and a method for analysing power consumption at one ore more consumers, which system comprises at least one device, which device comprises a controllable power switch for controlled power down of the consumer, which device monitors the power consumption at the consumers. The object of the pending application is to visualize and reduce the power consumption at consumers. A further object is to motivate a consumer to reduce power consumption. The object can be fulfilled by a system comprising a cloud based computer system, which device via the internet connection performs communication of the power consumption to the cloud based computer system, which cloud based computer system is to be accessed via an internet browser. Hereby can be achieved, that actual power consumption at a costumer is monitored and reported continuously to the cloud based computer system. In that way the device placed at the customer can be a relative primitive apparatus simply having a power line in and a power line out. The apparatus as such measures and report the actual power consumption to the cloud based computer system
申请公布号 DK201370126(A) 申请公布日期 2014.07.09
申请号 DK20130070126 申请日期 2013.03.05
分类号 H02J13/00 主分类号 H02J13/00
代理机构 代理人