发明名称 Method for concomitant surgical correction of metatarsus varus and hallux-valgus
摘要 The invention relates to medicine, in particular to traumatology and orthopedics and can be used for concomitant surgical correction of metatarsus varus and hallux-valgus.Summary of the invention consists in that it is carried out a layer-by-layer incision from the lateral part of the first toe up to the metatarsocuneiform articular line, afterwards is incised the capsule, are mobilized the articular surfaces and the 1st metatarsal bone, then penetrating under the capsule is released the 1st metatarsal bone; with a straight chisel is cut the articular surface of the cuneiform bone at an open angle in the lateral part, is curetted the articular surface of the first metatarsal bone base; is carried out another layer-by-layer incision on the lateral part of the 1st toe at the level of the metatarsophalangeal articulation up to the articular interline, is incised the capsule in the form of Y, is released the base of the proximal phalanx of the 1st toe, is performed a luxation, then with a straight chisel is perpendicularly cut 1/3 from the base of this phalanx, from the cut bone portion is modeled a graft of triangular shape, according to the space formed between the metatarsal bone and the cuneiform bone, and is introduced into said space, and then is fixed the graft at an angle of two Kirschner's wires of 2…3 mm through the 1st metatarsal bone, the graft and the cuneiform bone with exteriorization of wires ends, at the same time is fixed the hallux by introduction coaxial with the axis of the toe of a wire through the phalangeal bones and the 1st metatarsal bone, are sutured the metatarsocuneiform and metatarsophalangeal articular capsules, and the wounds are sutured in layers.
申请公布号 MD756(Y) 申请公布日期 2014.04.30
申请号 MDS20130167 申请日期 2013.10.11
分类号 A61B17/56 主分类号 A61B17/56
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