发明名称 Regeneration of hydrocarbon solutions of trialkyl phosphate used in processing of nuclear fuel
摘要 <p>A solution of a trialkyl phosphate in a hydrocarbon solvent, which has been used for the extraction of actinides from neutron-irradiated fuel, is regenerated by treating it with an aqueous magnesium hydroxide slurry, whereby the fission products and decomposition products from the extractant solution are taken up by the slurry, which is then separated from the regenerated extractant. The magnesium hydroxide is preferably suspended in an aqueous NaOH solution, a concentration of 1-10% by weight in a 0.5 to 2 M NaOH solution being satisfactory, and 5% in a 1 M NaOH solution being preferred. In an example the performances of magnesium hydroxide slurries are compared with those of magnesium carbonate, calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate slurries and with those of sodium hydroxide and carbonate solutions, with and without potassium permanganate, in the regeneration of a solution of tributyl phosphate in kerosene. The slurry may be obtained by adding the metal nitrate to a sodium hydroxide solution.</p>
申请公布号 GB989668(A) 申请公布日期 1965.04.22
申请号 GB19630023514 申请日期 1963.06.13
分类号 G21C19/46 主分类号 G21C19/46
代理机构 代理人